Abandoned French Town in Cambodia

Outside the town of Kampot in southern Cambodia there is an abandoned French town called Bokor Hill Station. It was built in 1922, and the building of the town is just stunning but really old-looking. If you wonder why it was abandoned the answer is because of a war in the 70′s.
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The town has a main building that has an amazing view over the ocean, and the other buildings are everything from a catholic church and houses to a casino. The town was built to work as a resort for the colonial French settlers that wanted to escape insanity of Phnom Penh.
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The buildings are today really rusty and old, but it’s an open tourist attraction, so you can go anytime and visit
the place. Maybe you’ll think it’s spooky but you will definitely get yourself a great experience. Another spooky abandoned place is this Russian theater.
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