Circum-Baikal railway

Circum-Baikal railway lies on the narrow coastal strip of Lake Baikal. To place the railway in rocks everywhere cut down shelves. Were placed at retaining walls to expand and strengthen the road. Cut a tunnel through the headlands and cliffs, constructed bridges and viaducts over rivers and bays of Lake Baikal.
Many rivers and streams because of their steep temper had put a stone troughs, pipes and trays. Strengthened even rocks. Judge for yourself. Builders have erected 41 tunnel. Of these, 40 survived. The total length of tunnels about nine and a half miles. It was built 15 stone galleries and 3 of reinforced concrete. Through rivers, streams, valleys, ravines, coves of Lake Baikal was airlifted about 470 large and small bridges and six viaducts. To protect the road was built about 270 different fortification: retaining walls, paving and others. It was built in 1918 of stone pipes and trays. By some estimates, for every 100 meters of road in the Circum-Baikal railway engineering account for a technical construction.
baykal trenes curious

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baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious
baykal trenes curious