By Yuli Linssen Kaminitz, guest blogger from
In the last couple of years, a new trend in the retail shopping field have entered our lives and since then it refuses to go away. As you could probably already figured out from the header, we are talking about concept stores. So what is a concept store actually? How different it is from the usual stores we all know and love?
Well, the idea behind a concept store is the different kinds of exceptional and exclusive brands that are all being offered to the clients, under one roof. Concept stores are considered to be very modern and extremely exclusive; when entering a concept store you will immediately get a bit of futuristic feel, thanks to the distinctive interior design and the cool items that are available to purchase. Street wear, luxury, design, art and fashion, are all examples for what kinds of concept stores you can find. For those of you who wonder, a concept store is not the same as a department store; it is smaller, offer very distinctive brands and the shopping experience is much more personal and intimate.
So after we got that right, let’s move on to the really important subject, where can you actually find these shops? Concept stores are available in many European capitals. Just stroll around the streets or ask at your hotel where can you find one and they will surely be happy to help. Because we want to give you a hand with your concept store’s explore as well, we gathered here for you the coolest concept stores in the beautiful city of Amsterdam
1. The Darling
Address: Runstraat 4, 1016 GK Amsterdam
Official website

2. Nukuhiva
Address: Haarlemmerstraat 36 , 1013 ES Amsterdam
Official website
3. Sprmrkt
Address: Rozengracht 191-193,1016 LZ Amsterdam
If you consider yourself a true fashion lover with no excuses for corniness or a bad outfit day, than this will be a pure paradise for you. The Sprmrkt concept store offers exclusive designer’s clothes that are extremely unique, made with the best fabrics out there and absolutely unaffordable. Unless you are rich or famous, you probably won’t be able to buy most of the items that Sprmrkt supply. However, thanks to the huge popularity of the store+ the kindness of the establishers, there is a Sprmrkt outlet shop available in the city as well. Just visit the Hartenstraat 36 (in the Jordaan area) and you will be able to find there the cheaper version of this incredibly cool store.
4. Sissy Boy Homeland
1. Spuistraat 137, Amsterdam
2. KNSM-Laan 19, Amsterdam
This extremely cool concept store is a huge pride for the Dutch people and a fun hangout spot for Amsterdam’s local people. The store offers everything from furniture, to baby clothes, high fashion, bicycles, books, a charming café and more surprises. Everything that the Sissy Boy Homeland provides is special and singular. The stores strive to be number one when it comes to innovation, service and quality. When shopping at the Sissy Boy Homeland you can be certain you will stand out in the crowd while staying cool and composed. Take a half day off and stroll around in this huge store, just make sure to come with initial idea of what you want to buy or else you will be ending up spending all your money!
Now that you learned what concept stores are all about, it is time to save some money and pick a destination to go to! So why not choosing the most relaxed and absolutely gorgeous city of Amsterdam? After all, you will know right away where you need to shop! As Amsterdam gets packed with tourists all year long, make sure to book your hotel in Amsterdam in advance.