This past weekend, I attended a wedding at the
Woodlawn Plantation. While not as well-known as its neighbor, Mt. Vernon, it certainly is a more beautiful building (in my opinion!). If Federal style architecture isn't your thing, the
Pope-Leighey house by Frank Lloyd Wright is also on the grounds. Something for everyone!

The 126 acres that currently make up Woodlawn were originally part of George Washington's estate, Mt. Vernon and were deeded in a 2,000 acre parcel to his nephew, Major Lawrence Lewis. Lewis had Dr. William Thornton, the architect of the U.S. Capitol design this house which was completed in 1805.

The beautiful grounds are often the site of elegant weddings and it's the perfect setting for any party.

Cocktail hour was held in this side yard which has a fountain that frogs love to visit in the evening! Rib-bit!

While I can't offer a peak inside, this look into the window at night gives you an idea of the amount of restoration that went into this 200 year + old house. The last private owner, Senator Underwood of Alabama, sold the house in 1952 to become part of the
National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Keep in mind the weather in Northern Virginia is far from hospitable much of the year and it can get HOT and MUGGY. I don't know how I survived the 93 degree heat and high humidity let alone past residents in their heavy clothing and without our modern convienences.

My favorite part of the house is the bell mounted to the side of one chimney; To call everyone in for meal times perhaps? Now thats some technology (but I'd rather have A.C.)!

Visit this lesser known cousin of Mt. Vernon if you're in the DC area rather than fight the crowds at Mt. Vernon. Better yet -visit both!