Do you have a
kindle? I have yet to get one but have heard glowing reviews from everyone who has one (it was even talked about on
the skirted round table!). The benefits of space & environmental savings are obvious. Well, now blogs are available for subscription on the kindle and I've uploaded
ArchitectDesign! It appears on the kindle similarly to reading a blog online: see last Saturday's post above.

The only complaints I've heard are that the kindle is still in b&w and most blogs (that I follow, including this one) are visual; color is important! Also, the larger sized device is both pricey and a little clunky. I'm still not sold completely on reading books on an electronic screen like this, I'm old school and LOVE books! I would love to hear what you think of it. Check out my blog on your kindle if you have one and let me know what you think!